This excerpt from Water Waltz is after Triste's ex-lover makes an appearance, reminding Varun that he had lost Triste.

“What is it?” Varun
questioned. “Is my guest here?”
Triste remembered
Fremont’s appointment at nine. “No. I’m here to ask about your other guest.”
“The stray is to remain in
the guest room until you’re told otherwise, Triste.”
“I know. But this human
knows STAR. He refuses to tell me why, but clearly—”
“Do you still love him?”
Varun interrupted.
“Who?” he questioned
“Zephyr.” Varun stood up
from the chair and walked around it to the desk where he placed his violin into
its case.
“Why would you ask me
that?” Triste whispered. “Have I ever betrayed you?”
“I didn’t ask if you would
betray me. I asked if you love him.” Varun looked up and caught Triste’s gaze
with his. “You and I are over. If you love Zephyr, it isn’t betrayal.”
“You believe I still harbor
something for Zephyr. After everything. After staying at your side—”
“Your reason behind
removing yourself as my lover was never clear. Maybe you had always wanted
Triste stared
incredulously at Varun. Anger swelled in his chest. “How dare you suggest I
longed for my ex-lover during my time with you.”
“Do you love me, Triste?”
The latches locking on the violin case seemed to echo in the silence that
followed his question.
“Even if I did,” Triste
said in a hushed whisper, “it would change nothing.”
“How are you so sure?”
“Fremont should be
arriving soon. Shall I show him into the study or bedroom?” Triste asked in a
tone far from respectful.
Varun studied him for a
moment before replying. “Are you upset I replaced you?”
The question stuck Triste,
causing him to take a single step backward. “Is that how you see Fremont?”
“You can leave, Triste.
Nothing is holding you here. Is it pride that keeps you at my side?”
Triste knew Varun was
aiming to hurt him now. “What makes me remain is the same thing that keeps you
from sending me away.” Triste didn’t know what bound Varun to his butler, but
it fit his lie well enough. “Now, I came here about Elden. Why are you keeping
“That isn’t something a
butler needs to know.” Varun turned his back toward Triste. “Prepare dinner and
dessert. Fremont will arrive close to nine.”
[Water Waltz available from Dreamspinner Press]
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