GayRomLit was amazing. I met a lot of people and had a blast
for four days. I’m already counting the days for the next one. I have no idea
what to write about GRL, so I’m posting a few photos instead!

I spent most of my time with S.A. Garcia, Charlie Cochet, Ana Bosch, and Lorraine Ulrich. (Sadly, no picture with Lorraine.) These ladies are not only smart and hilarious, but just the sweetest people I could spend my time with.
The night pictured above also included these drawn dicks. The talented Ana Bosch drew the one on the right. My terrible depiction is on the left. I would also like to note Charlie Cochet inspired and added to my drawings. This alone is worth going to GRL 2013, right? Buy your tickets early!
I grabbed this photo from Charlie Cochet's blog. My friend and I joined Charlie's bowling team on Saturday. I don't remember who won, but I know it wasn't me. I suck at bowling. (That's my friend and beta reader, Krowhop, in the middle beside me.)This photo was taken by Elisa Reviews during the author signing event. My dancing dicks in top hats and bow ties cup cozy is on the table beside me. I made that during the Kinky Craft event. I felt so out of place sitting next to authors who were more known than little ol' me. Shira Anthony and Venona Keyes are incredibly sweet. Vernona made sure I had a spot, and Shira saw me through those hours of signing.
MLR Press had a day of the dead party outside of Old Town. This was one of their clever cakes.
After GRL, my buddy and I went to Sandia Peak. It was below freezing up there. I expected cold but 24F after wind chill, I did not expect. I'm happy I attended GRL and plan to go every year it happens from now on. A big thank you to everyone I met (too many to list) and to all the readers who recognized my books. It's great to hear from a stranger that they enjoyed something I put a small part of myself into. Thank you.
The view of Albuquerque, NM at 10,378 feet. |
Aw, it was awesome hanging out with you! I can't wait for next year. And your bowling wasn't nearly as bad as mine. My score was pretty sad. I must say that we must have broken some kind of record for the most use of the words 'dick' and 'cock' over GRL. Glad I could help with the drawing. I think the pocket watch added a nice touch of class. Lol.